Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A few pictures...

We are in full swing of our internship! Alex and I have taking different roles on at the Ranch. Alex has taken on the responsility of managing the Ranch financial matters, kitchen manager and general liason between local ranch employees and the group. I have taken on some of the daily hospitality duties along with overseeing the reforestation project on location. We continue busy ourselves with learniƱg new building techniques and other ranch projects. A new permaculture design is in the early steps and we hope to get our hands dirty with the food production soon. Alex is starting to teach English in the local middle/high school and I will be teaching art and recreation at the local elementary school twice a month. Life is good!

Here are a few pictures in no particular order...we hope this helps you visualize a little better where we are...

Alex on the right taking his turn at laying the the earthen floor...(2 parts manure:))

Alex and other interns ¨harvesting a compost toilet

El Vivero- a reforestation project Mary-Laura is working on

Shower...not a bad view in the morning


Refreshed at the hot springs.

Hiking with the group.

Us at a hike to a waterfall nearby.


  1. So glad to see photos and you two look cute.

  2. I'm so excited for the both of you (and a little jealous!!)! It all looks so amazing and not as wet as you thought it would be, at least in the photos. When you come back, can you do my yard? ;). I think the ants are my favorite picture so far. It's different to see them outside of "Planet Earth". Keep the posts coming!

  3. leaf cutter ants! looks like so much fun : )
